Beppe Giacobbe
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In the images of Beppe Giacobbe the search for a synthesis is evident
in order to arrive at dry, ironic and powerful images, which are immediately usable.
His is a studied and desired simplicity, with simple but unsettling ideas where
his training at the School of Visual Arts in New York is evident.
To the digital bases he adds scratches, stratifications and soiling,
as if the sheet were old and preserved without care,
but these are touches that embellish the structural fabric of the image,
removing that feeling of aseptic coldness that digital drawing could generate.
For Beppe the illustration is an ancestor to the text,
but in his works it is quite evident that it is precisely it that first captures the reader's curiosity.
Any subject he faces, images linked to an article or to the cover of a book,
he examines it without prejudice, without ever falling into the obvious didactic corollary.
Published in U.S.A. by Simon & Shuster, Harper Collins, Los Angeles Book Review, Saveur, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, United Airlines, Duke Magazine, Notre Dame Magazine.
In France by Nathan, Edition du Rouegue, Bayard, La maison est en carton, Seuil, Courrier International, Gallimard.
In Italy by RCS Corriere della sera, Einaudi, Mondadori, Laterza, Lazy Dog Press, La Grande Illusion, Chiare Lettere, Thea
Il Saggiatore, Solferino, Feltrinelli.
In Great Britain by Phaidon, CNN.
Clients include:
Simon & Shuster
Harper Collins
Los Angeles Book Review
Washington Post
Wall Street Journal
United Airlines
Notre Dame Magazine
Edition du Rouegue
Courrier International
Corriere della sera
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